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当前位置:总第10期 > 军旅墨香 > 陈为松 > 正文
军旅墨香 - 陈为松 2010年11月16日    来源: 新华书画


    Chen Weisong was born in May, 1933 in Shanghai. Before he became a soldier of the PLA in June 1949, he had participated underground struggles led by the Communist Youth League. He worked successively in basic units and commanding bodies of the PLA during his military career in which he persued further studies in military colleges. Including two merit citation class III and a class II, he was awarded many times. In 1998, he was refered major general rank in 1988. In 1990, he was appoined director of discipline inspection department of General Political Department of the PLA and deputy secretary of discipline inspection commission of Central Military Commission. He is a delegate of the 14th National Congress of the CPC and a member of Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPC. He letf office for recuperation in 1998 with a victory medal of honor. He has got a membership of China Poetry Association. He is interested in calligraphy. He had imitiated Liu style when he was young, and he started to learn calligraphy concertrately in later years. His works have been published and exhibited to the public and the PLA. He is also an active participator for Project Hope and other public welfare undertakings.

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  协办单位: 北京师白艺术研究会   承办单位: 北京军盛昊天影视文化有限公司
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